2022年1月1日 星期六

Recently Listening to ... 最近正在聽 - 2021 My Top 10 PICKS 十首推薦歌曲

來到了 2021 年年末,又到了 My PICK 十大金曲回顧的時間。細心的讀者可能已經發現標題的名稱由「My PICK」改成「My Top 10 PICKS」,而且前面還有英文翻譯。這是因為我在年初加入了加拿大一間城市規劃的公司,以音樂達人(?)形象自居的我想要趁這個機會開拓國際讀者群組,所以接下來的推薦段落都會(硬寫一段)英文版本。現在光用想的我就已經頭皮發麻了 — 我真的要用兩種語言寫完十首歌的評價嗎?

As we reached the end of 2021, it means that it's time for annual review of the top 10 singles again! This year, I joined a Canadian urban planning company. As I've been well-recognized (?!) in providing song recommendation, I think it's time to expand the visibility of this blog to the international audience by offering English version of the recommendation. This year, the English commentary is also provided along the nominated songs - Hopefully it's not going to be too challenging.

As most Chinese pop songs usually combine elements of multiple genres in their arrangement as a hybrid, the genres mentioned are only for reference and may not be necessarily accurate or authentic (Plus I'm not a professional musician anyway).

Here is the photo frame for covers of the top singles.

圖片來源 Source: KKBOX、Spotify、Youtube 封面圖片

10. 明天,雙人舞 Tomorrow, the Dance Duo / 梁靜茹 Fish Leong
(曲 Composer︰阿沁 Real;詞 Lyrist︰張伍 Chang Wu;
編曲 Arranger︰
KEEN CHEN 金城;製作人 Producer︰鍾成虎 Tiger Chung

〈明天,雙人舞〉是一首 House 重拍舞曲,節奏明快流暢,讓人情不自禁想找身邊的人跳一段雙人舞。厚實的低音 bass 貫穿全曲,加上到了副歌反復穿插着電吉他的碎拍,蘊藏着想要隱藏卻藏不住的曖昧情愫。後半段的小號和色士風更增添了雀躍的情緒,讓整首歌更為生動。

Tomorrow, the Dance Duo is a house dance music with a joyful and catchy rhythm, which makes one want to find someone nearby to do a duo dance. The bass throughout the whole song, together with the breakbeats from the electric guitar, have built an atmosphere that is full of subtle chemistry that can't be hidden. The trumpet and the saxophone in the second half of the song add an even more joyful and lively touch to the whole piece.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations: 
曲風分類 By genre︰Sunshine(Liam Payne,2021)
歌手分類 By performer︰昨天,一點愛今天,半永久

9. 浪漫體質 Hopeful Romantic / 林凡 Freya Lim
(曲 / 詞 Composer / Lyrist︰王𢑥筑 Hui-chu Wang;
編曲 Arranger︰羅恩妮 Annie Lo;製作人 Producer︰黃韻玲 Kay Huang



Strictly speaking, Hopeful Romantic has been released as a single last year. However, one of my colleague highly complimented this song in particular in one of my customized Chinese pop music playlists. In addition, it's released again in Freya Lim's full album Goodbye, Ciao, Seeing You Again again this year. So, this song is qualified for the top 10 picks selection this year. Hooray!

Hopeful Romantic is a classical pop song with a dolce style. This song creates an atmosphere like riding a boat on a calm lake during late night, where one is viewing the ripple on the lakes, feeling the motion and the emotion of the water flow underneath. I especially liked how Freya handled the end of each line, slowing down in the last two words (or even close to fermata) without rushing to the next line, which prolongs the emotion behind the piece, like the ripple on the lake slowly spreading out to the other sides of the lake.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
曲風分類 By genre︰如燕(Olivia Ong,2008)、在空中的這一秒(林家謙,2021)
歌手分類 By performer︰再見名人錄如願以償I Don't Know Why親愛的愛麗絲如果那天

8. 去你的城市呼吸 Breathe In Your City / 鄭興 Xing Zheng ft. 林一峰 Chet Lam
(曲 Composer︰鄭興 Xing Zheng + 楊諾霖 YNL;
詞 Lyrist︰鄭興 Xing Zheng + 林一峰 Chet Lam;
編曲 Arranger︰ 
林一峰 Chet Lam + 楊諾霖 YNL;製作人 Producer︰林一峰 Chet Lam )



One of the highlights of Breathe in Your City is that Xing and Chet I singing in two different languages in the verse, where Xing is singing in Mandarin and Chet singing in Cantonese. Even though the story is about two people separated in different cities, their voices sound like they are in the same time and space, like the thoughts of missing each other can overcome barrier off space and language. The song introduction mention that the genre belongs to retro rock & roll. But in my opinion, apart from that, the melody and the flute lines at the beginning of each chorus has a touch of Taiwanese campus folk songs in 1970s and 80s with a more modern interpretation (like the Breeze Past linked in the extended recommendation section). This makes the emotion that the song reveals more pure and honest.

I especially liked it when Chet ended the second verse with the Cantonese line (2:16 in the music video), then the way that Xing and Chet describes the same thing suddenly started to diverge to the opposite direction, while in fact it's the two sides of the same coin, that is, missing each other. The lines of Xing reveals the hope and happiness of seeing each other, while Chet's lines are more of pessimistic view of the fear of eventually losing the other, but the way that they sing actually shows the part of the emotion of the other, which makes the story more vivid and complete.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
微風往事 Breeze Past(鄭怡,1981)、Have You Ever Seen The Rain(Creedence Clearwater Revival ,1970)、鞦韆(林一峰,2003)

7. 林中鳥 Turbulence / 林欣彤 Mag Lam
(曲 Composer︰林家謙 Terence Lam;詞 Lyrist︰馮松興 Frank Fung;
編曲 Arranger︰ Vigilant Nation + 
林家謙 Terence Lam;製作人 Producer︰林家謙 Terence Lam

在〈林中鳥〉這首歌的編曲裡面可以聽到很多豐富的音樂元素,像是前半段迷離的鋼琴,到第二段主歌出現的 trap 拍子,以及點綴的電子音色等等。編曲透過這些豐富的音樂元素,營造出主角從受困到衝破重重逆風,最終擺脫壓逼獲得自由的過程,讓整首歌更具畫面感。特別到了 bridge 的時候,節奏從原本的和緩轉變為急促的碎拍,像是亂流變得更為激烈,需要全力衝破才能脫險,讓聽眾有身歷其境的感受。

如果要給整首歌一個建議的話,我會希望林欣彤在 bridge 的唱法再跟上編曲的節奏和力度上的轉折。在其中一個電台專訪裡林欣彤提過後半段特意不用激昂的唱法,從而突顯脆弱的情緒;但我認為表現層次的方法除了音量之外,還有節奏的變化跟尾音的處理(比如延伸聆聽提到的〈謎之音〉到了第二段副歌以加快拍子的方式表達逼不及待的情緒)。特別是整首歌的編曲像是故事一幕幕畫面的行進,從一開始的暗潮湧動,然後風雨交加到豁然開朗,如果主唱的節奏感能跟上編曲每段的變化的話,整首歌的感染力會更為明顯。

The arrangement of Turbulence is rich in different music elements, like the piano arrangement at the beginning creating a misty atmosphere, the trap beats in the second verse, and the synthesizer tones. These elements are delicately designed and aligned to vividly portray the story of the main character overcoming storms and difficulties to get rid of oppressions and be free. Especially when it comes to the bridge, the rhythm becomes stressed with a lot of short and dense notes, picturing the storm and turbulence becoming so fierce that the main character needs to use all his/her power to escape from the danger in a way that the audience can imagine the story by just listening.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
曲風分類 By genre︰謎之音(曾沛慈,2019)

6. 雨不停。流 Never Ending Rain / 孫盛希 Shi Shi Sun
(曲 Composer︰孫盛希 Shi Shi;詞 Lyrist︰葛大為 David Ke;
編曲 Arranger︰ 
游政豪 Roger Yo + 翁光煒 Wico Weng;
製作人 Producer︰游政豪 Roger Yo + 孫盛希 Shi Shi)


Never Ending Rain is the ending theme song for the Taiwanese TV Drama Rainless Love in a Godless Land. An empty and desolate atmosphere is created through the folk rhythm and wide use of flat notes in the chorus. The backing vocals arrangement in the second half of the song creates a sense of echoed monologue in an empty valley. Shi Shi's use of modal and falsetto registers has brought glimmers of light to the dark and empty world presented in the song.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
主題分類 By topic (drama)/genre︰成為你的所有(原子邦妮,2021)、想對你說
歌手分類 By performer︰小心翻閱

5. 我的飛翔 Fly Freely / 黃偉晉 Wayne Huang
(曲 / 詞 Composer / Lyrist︰柯泯薰 misi Ke;
編曲 Arranger︰李雨寰 Lee Yu-Huan;製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen

超級星光大道第6屆第八名(傳說中跟丁噹黃齡 PK 過的參賽者 a.k.a. 「鋼盔小王子」)、前偶像團體 SpeXial 主唱黃偉晉在今年推出首張個人專輯《CreaLife》。專輯中其中一首歌〈我的飛翔〉以民謠曲風為基底,副歌清澈的假音搭配後半段帶點搖滾味的電吉他,塑造出一種遼闊而堅定的感覺。特別是這首歌裡面黃偉晉的假音非常好聽,那個音色讓我想起當初超級星光大道第4屆第17名,高音音色非常特殊的楊淳盛;卻又更穩定、完整,像是進化過的2.0版本。

Wayne Huang is the 8th place winner of a Taiwanese singing contest Super Star Avenue Season 6 (2010), and known for battling against professional singers (such as Della, Isabelle Huang) in the competition. He was also the lead vocal of former idol group SpeXial. This year, he released his first full studio album CreaLife. Fly Freely is one of the singles in the album, starting with folk rhythm, and gradually building up to a folk-rock piece to create a spacious environment with power and determination. I especially like Wayne's falsetto in the chorus of this song, which is very pure, crystal-clear and yet stable.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
歌手分類 By performer︰唱歌的時候就變了一個人Alive如果眼淚會說話你過癮嗎水晶船

4. 痛感 Something 'bout you / 艾怡良 Eve Ai ft. 李玖哲 Nicky Lee
(曲 Composer︰艾怡良 Eve Ai + A-FLIGHT 崔欽翔;詞 Lyrist︰艾怡良 Eve Ai;
編曲 Arranger︰ A-FLIGHT 崔欽翔 + 黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong;
製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen)

非常性感的男女 R&B 對唱,節奏簡潔但行雲流水。李玖哲在這首歌裡面的音色非常好聽。雖然歌詞講的是其中一個人放不下前度而另一個人因此控訴着這段關係走不下去,但在 R&B 的曲風下滲透出兩個人互相渴望的情緒。後半段的和聲編排十分精彩,一個人最少有兩個聲部以上,甚至有一段兩個人齊唱的同時左右聲道分別傳來艾怡良兩段不同的和聲,像是一邊跟情侶對話的同時一邊宣洩着內心的真心話。

A very sexy piece of R&B song with a simple yet concise rhythm. I especially love Nicky's tone in this piece. The lyrics is about a pair of lovers of which one of them could not let go of the ex-partner while the other one felt hurt because of this, but their voices sound like the two characters still need each other. The backing vocal arrangement in the second half of the song is very intriguing, where each person has at least two or more tracks filling in and building up. There is even a part when the main melody is a unison, while two different tracks of backing vocals by Eve comes from both sides of the speakers, revealing the complicated inner voice while maintaining the conversation with the other side on surface.  

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations: 
曲風分類 By genre︰
偏愛(ft. 9m88、BCW)、Loser(MC張天賦,2021)

3. 懷疑論 Skepticism / 艾怡良 Eve Ai. ft. Dizparity
(曲 Composer︰葉柏成 Dizparity + 
艾怡良 Eve Ai ;詞 Lyrist︰艾怡良 Eve Ai;
編曲 Arranger︰葉柏成 Dizparity製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen)

一首充滿了爆發力的電子重拍歌曲,通過能量高漲的編曲跟艾怡良具特色的神經質唱法,讓聽眾更能感受到內心躁動不安時的張力。我特別喜歡第一遍 post-chorus 還未唱完便緊接第二遍主歌的編排,有種內心的衝動一波未平一波又起的張力,加上整首歌的收尾也是同一段 post-chorus,一方面讓整首歌有種無止盡的迴圈感,另一方面在歌曲收尾內心躁動停止下來的時候會讓人有鬆一口氣的舒暢感。 

A very powerful, strong-beat electronic song that presents the tension of the inner heart under anxiety through the energetic rhythm and Eve's signature sensitive and dynamic vocals. I especially liked the tension brought from the arrangement where the second verse starts when the first post-chorus has not been ended yet. Especially the whole song is ended by the same post-chorus, such arrangement creates a sense of endless loop, which gives the audience larger relief when the song (and the chaos) actually ends.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
主題分類 By topic / genre︰聰明旁觀有罪 Bystander Effect(陳蕾,2021)、詠愛(Faye詹雯婷,2021)
歌手分類 By performer︰偏愛(ft. 9m88、BCW)、早晚我多想變成她以灰之名

2. 讓浪漫作主 Romanticism / 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua 
(曲 Composer︰蔡健雅 Tanya Chua;詞 Lyrist︰葛大為 David Ke;
編曲 Arranger / 製作人 Producer蔡健雅 Tanya Chua

〈讓浪漫作主〉這首歌作為一首簡單流暢的抒情歌曲,編曲幾乎只有木結他,再穿插一些電結他作為點綴,傳達一種在燈光忽明忽暗的城市夜裡直視內心的力量。同時簡單的結他編曲更能烘托出 Tanya 歌聲裡特殊磁性的風味。而且 Tanya 的歌聲呼吸跟編曲十分緊貼,讓整首歌更一氣呵成。

As a love song with a simple arrangement that is primarily based on an acoustic guitar with occasional embellishing electric guitar tracks, the song portrays a scene in when the character is walking in the city with flickering streetlights at night, realizing the power when he/she started to be honest to face his/her hearts. At the same time, the simple arrangement with acoustic guitar portrays the tone of Tanya's vocals very well. One can tell Tanya's phrasing and breathing match with the guitar well.

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
歌手分類 By performer︰Bluebirds
Photographs(ft. Carla Bruni)Breakdown那些小事情Om Tara

1. 黃金年代 As Time Goes By / 劉若英 René Liu
(曲 / 詞 Composer / Lyrist︰HUSH;
編曲 Arranger︰袁偉翔 Fanda.Yuan @ 駿杰音樂 June J Music;
製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen

這首歌的主題主要在探索歲月跟失去的意義,特別是在失去在乎的對象之後,時間的流逝、老去跟離別還有什麼意義。整首歌從一開始節奏規律的琴音以及鼓點,好像生命中一些無法動搖的規律;到了後半段充滿着一邊感謝着走過的黃金歲月,一邊依然對生命離別困惑,但隨着鼓點加強之下好像生命的規律提醒着自己也不得不往前走的矛盾情緒。到了最後一段副歌帶點 post-rock 的編曲帶着更多的遲暮感,讓整首歌的感染力增色不少,跟劉若英具歷練感的歌聲相得益彰。

The theme of the song As Time Goes By is the exploration of aging and losing, especially what remains when the one that you care the most has been gone. The song starts with regular piano and drum beats, which is like the unmovable patterns of life. The second half of the song creates a misty atmosphere with a lot of contradictory emotions, on one hand being thankful to all the past experience, but at the same time still perplexed about all the goodbyes in life; and the patterns of life forcing us to move forward. The slight touch of post-rock element in the final chorus has amplified the aging feeling - which complements René's mature tone and highlights the power and coldness of life cycles

延伸聆聽 Extended recommendations:
曲風分類 By genre︰極美(孫燕姿,2017)
歌手分類 By performer︰所有相愛的人啊(熱情版)、飛行日

同場加映︰年度長途航班專輯陪伴好伙伴 aka 年度專輯
Annual Best Companion during Long Flights a.k.a The Album of the Year

Same as previous years, the rule of this award is to pick ONE album that is the best suited for being played repeatedly in long flights (10+ hours). Usually there is no reason for the award, it's a subjective judgement anyway.

往年得獎名單 Past winners︰

          2020 孫盛希 Shi Shi Sun《出沒地帶》
          2019 從缺 No winner
          2018 王心凌 Cyndi Wang《CYNDILOVES2SING 愛。心凌》
          2017 孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun《No. 13作品-跳舞的梵谷》
          2016 孫盛希 Shi Shi Sun《Between》

今年的得獎者是 This year's winner goes to︰

Eve Ai - How Come I Still Remember All

再一次收聽 Listening Once More ...

如果你想再次收聽本年的 Top 10 PICKS 的話 If you are looking for the playlist for Top 10 PICKS this year ....

如果你想回顧往年 Top 10 PICKS 得獎名單的話 If you are looking for the winners of Top 10 PICKS in the past years ... (without English commentary)

好的,這一年我們就先這樣了喔 So let's call this a day for this year's review :) 

