2022 年,因為版主自己要忙的事情不少,所以花在聽音樂的時間比往年少很多。加上我自己覺得 2022年的華語樂壇比往年沒那麼精彩,導致我一開始想要不要直接跳過這一年的回顧。可是我真的很希望這個系列至少可以撐到十屆,畢竟十全十美嘛。所以,我們就試着在忙碌的生活跟完成這個音樂回顧作出平衡吧。
In 2022, I have been very busy in my own work and life, so the time I spent on music was much less than earlier years. And the songs released this year have not triggered as much excitement as previous years, so at one point I was thinking of terminating this series. But I really hoped that this series could last for at least 10 years - as number 10 represents kind of perfection. So, here is my biased review of the 10 of my favorite songs in 2022.
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封面來源︰KKBOX、Spotify、YouTube |
10. 道路使用者的有型守則 Rules To Stay Cool As Road Users / 王智德 Alton Wong @ MIRROR
(曲 Composer / 編曲 Arranger︰Nekothemeow;詞 Lyrist︰王智德 Alton Wong
製作人 Producer︰王雙駿 Carl Wong)
這首歌我最喜歡的地方在於歌詞的語法很貼近講廣東話日常講話的方法。因為廣東話有九個聲調,比起其他語言多很多,所以不少朋友跟我講過聽見別人講廣東話的時候感到很有趣。大部分的廣東歌都比較接近書面語或是詩的感覺,相對之下日常廣東話趣味性的發揮比較受到限制。這個時候〈道路使用者的有型守則〉這種接近日常廣東話講法的歌就顯得很突出,聽者即使聽不懂這個語言也可以感覺得到 Alton 在唱有趣的事情,感染力非常強。而且誰能抗拒前奏那個 funky 的節奏呢?
One of the things I like the most about the song is that the lyrics is presented in a way that is close to how Cantonese speakers actually talk. A lot of my friends have mentioned to me that Cantonese is a very interesting language in daily conversation, as it has 9 tones which are way more than other languages. But this style of talking is rarely found in Cantonese lyrics as they tend to be more versed and close to poetry, which makes Alton's song stand out. One can tell Alton is into this song, as the way that Alton presents the song is very expressive - which makes the audience find what he is singing interesting even though the audience do not necessarily understand or pay attention to the lyrics. Besides, who can resist that funky beat?
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰什麼都不必說(2022版,比莉 ft. 周湯豪)、Uptown Funk(Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars,2014)
9. 離開動物園的獅子 The Lion / 徐佳瑩 Lala Hsu
(曲 Composer︰徐佳瑩 Lala Hsu + 陳君豪 Howe Chen + 林頡;詞 Lyrist︰葛大為 David Ke;
編曲︰陳君豪 Howe Chen;製作人 Producer︰徐佳瑩 Lala Hsu + 陳君豪 Howe Chen)
I like how the atmosphere change from being tense to bubbly, almost like a party, which fits the story of the lion who leaves the zoo to the nature in the lyrics. The low notes in the verse are great.
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰活着是最好的死亡(蔡健雅,2016)、雛型、沒有第三者的分手、我想到你就再也不怕
8. 不得不 Long Distance / 韋禮安 WeiBird ft. 徐佳瑩 Lala Hsu
(曲 Composer︰韋禮安 WeiBird + 許書豪 HAOR;詞 Lyrist︰葛大為 David Ke;
編曲︰許書豪 HAOR;製作人 Producer︰韋禮安 WeiBird + 蔡尚文 Aven Tsai + 宋星凱 Sean M. Sinclair)
流暢的男女對唱,非常好入耳。特別喜歡「地圖不過 螢幕兩頭」這種物理上距離跟心的距離無關的概念。
A smooth piece of duet. I especially like the concept of the song, where the physical distance between the two is irrelevant with how close their hearts are.
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰七月
7. 沒有人寫歌給你過吧 All About You / 白安 Ann Bai
(曲 Composer︰白安 Ann Bai;詞 Lyrist︰白安 Ann Bai + 葛大為 David Ke + 五月天阿信 Ashin @ Mayday;編曲 Arranger︰盧鈞右Neon Lu + 林郡彥Giu;製作人︰白安Ann Bai + 五月天 阿信Ashin @ Mayday)
如冬日裡的暖陽,特別是白安在唱「沒有人寫歌給你過吧」帶着具共情的語氣讓人感到溫暖。即使歌詞裡的對象很多人追求,但即使沒有成為寫歌對象的聽眾也可以感受到這種溫暖。而且我很喜歡副歌後半段「我能是深刻的 遺忘的 快的歌 慢的歌」這種奇妙的語法,像是面對心上人激動到語無倫次的感覺。
The ray of sunshine in winter - especially when Ann sang the first line of the chorus "Not anyone has written a song for you yet, right?" - Even the person she asked in the lyrics is loved by many people, the audience who hasn't had anyone written a song for them can still feel the warmth. I also like the way the second part of the chorus is written - "It can be impressive, being forgotten, fast song, slow song" - the disorganized syntax shows the nerve when one is in front of the person he/she loves so much.
6. 隨風所欲 Drift / 戴佩妮 Penny Tai
(曲 Composer / 詞 Lyrist / 製作人 Producer︰戴佩妮 Penny Tai;編曲 Arranger︰黃韻仁 Eric Ng)
A breezy piece that is very comfortable to listen to - even though it's difficult to sing if one listens carefully. I love the arrangement of the guitar.
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰密室逃脫、小失誤、被動的觀眾
5. 靈魂出竅練習曲 Etude of an Out-of-body Experience / JNYBeatz ft. 林家謙 Terence Lam
(曲 Composer︰JNYBeatz + 林家謙 Terence Lam;詞 Lyrist︰鄭敏 Cheng Man;
編曲︰JNYBeatz;製作人 Producer︰JNYBeatz + Karris Sauch)
Rich in both the music styles and the dynamics. A very catchy piece of electronic pop music.
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰獲得一個生命 (get a life) (ft. Serrini)
4. 破碎的完整 Shattered Fullness / 小宇(宋念宇) Xiao Yu
(曲 Composer / 編曲 Arranger / 製作人 Producer︰宋念宇 Xiaoyu Sung ;
詞 Lyrist︰左光平 Kuang-ping Tso)
在保有小宇獨特的 R&B 音樂風格之餘,旋律也很容易吸收,在旋律性跟音樂獨特性取得很精準的平衡。
Well-balanced R&B song, which is pretty easy to listen while still maintaining the uniqueness of the music style of Xiao Yu.
3. 日出 Sunrise / 林凡 Freya Lim
(曲 Composer:楊忠盛@S-One Music;詞:楊忠盛@S-One Music + 陳天佑 Gino Chen;
編曲 Arranger︰森白B.K;製作人 Producer︰張簡君偉 Alex Chang Jien)
流暢、優美,特別是整首歌充滿音階幾乎相同的樂句之下,還能通過咬字跟節奏的變化唱出起伏跟層次。我特別喜歡第二遍副歌「人生 難免 遺憾 又美麗 / 擁有和失去 總會痊癒」的唱法,跟第一段區隔開來,讓整首歌變得更有層次
I love the elegance and delicacy of the song. Especially there is not much variation in the tone of the song, yet Freya handled the lines with variation of rhythms and pronunciation, which enhances the song.
2. 慷慨 Let Go / 曾沛慈 Pets Tsang
(曲 Composer︰李方睿 Ferry Lee + 陳建騏 George Chen;詞︰葛大為 David Ke;
編曲 Arranger︰吳加恩 Blackie Wu;製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen)
我已經不知道要講什麼了 — 畢竟連我都不知道我為什麼聽完之後那麼感動。大概是因為從「最富有 是在一無所有 / 尋找你不時也回顧 的目光」的單純走到最後只能「終須一別 何苦像施捨」的故事,總是讓人感嘆一段關係要走到好的結果為什麼會那麼難吧。雖然這首歌的音域很廣,前面低音很低,但整首歌的情感非常克制內斂,使整首歌不捨但不得不放手的傷感變得更強烈。
I don't know why I'm touched by this song so badly. This song has a pretty wide range. The notes in the verse are very low, and yet still fluent and comfortable to listen to. The singer didn't overly exaggerate the emotions, but one can still get the sadness from how the singer pretends to be calm.
1. 明室 Silver Lining / 洪佩瑜 Pei-yu Hung
(曲 Composer︰陳建騏 George Chen;詞︰王小苗 Miao Wang;
編曲 Arranger︰陳建騏 George Chen + 羅恩妮 Annie Lo;製作人 Producer︰陳建騏 George Chen)
A song that is like a poetry (Well, the lyrist is a poet). The structure of the song is pretty unexpected yet so fluent. There are a lot of long pauses between lines in the song, so it is important for the singer to use the breathing and phrasing to bring the emotions from the earlier lines to the next lines.
延伸聆聽 Extended Recommendation︰踮起腳尖愛(2011)、無慣例的早晨、不在一起就不會分開
同場加映︰年度長途航班專輯陪伴好伙伴 aka 年度專輯 Annual Best Companion during Long Flights a.k.a The Album of the Year
Same as previous years, the rule of this award is to pick ONE album that is the best suited for being played repeatedly in long flights (10+ hours). Usually there is no reason for the award, it's a subjective judgement anyway.
往年得獎名單 Past winners︰
2021 艾怡良 Eve Ai《偏偏我卻都記得》
2020 孫盛希 Shi Shi Sun《出沒地帶》
2019 從缺 No winner
2018 王心凌 Cyndi Wang《CYNDILOVES2SING 愛。心凌》
2017 孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun《No. 13作品-跳舞的梵谷》
2016 孫盛希 Shi Shi Sun《Between》
今年的得獎者是 This year's winner goes to︰……從缺 No winner (你的快轉鍵還好嗎? Is your fast-forwarding key still working?)
再一次收聽 Listening Once More ...